
I make games and game-related tools. Most of them are for Marble Blast, and many of them are open-source. Below you can find some of the various projects which I have worked on.

Marble Blast

I was the lead developer working on Marble Blast Platinum and PlatinumQuest until early 2021. While I'm no longer actively working on it, you can find a full release of its source code on GitHub:

I've also done a few other smaller projects with Marble Blast with a heavy focus on scripting:

Other Projects

Since I work with Marble Blast a lot, I've made many projects dealing with different aspects of the Torque Game Engine. I've also created a few simple little games that are available.


Other creations of mine that don't fall into any particular category. Maybe some marbles in here.


If you want to get in touch, you can email me at higuymb@gmail.com